Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Midterm: 10/4-6 to10/11-13

For this assignment, you will choose a speech either online or in person. This speech must be at least 10 minutes long. You will need to cite specific examples, therefore you will either need to take precise notes or be able to review the speech several times for an accurate analysis.
You must choose FIVE concepts that we have discussed in class from chapters 1-9, 10-14, and/or 17- 20. You will identify these concepts in bold print and give a brief description of the concept based on your understanding from the text with proper page citation and then use the concept to analyze a particular part of the speech. I will want to see why you chose that concept and occurrence in the speech as well as why you feel the speaker used that particular technique or concept.
You may create an essay with an introduction, body and conclusion or State the speech, orator, and where you found the speech- then bullet point your concept analyses followed up with a summary conclusion stating what you learned overall. (DS, 1”margins, etc.)2-3 pages in length, NO LESS!!!Turn in the hard copy in class!! NO LATE PAPERS WILL BE ACCEPTED WITHOUT PROPER DOCUMENTATION!!! IF YOU CHOOSE A SPEECH LESS THAN THE REQUIRED 10 MINUTES, YOU MUST CHECK WITH ME BEFORE USING IT!!!
Finally, all papers will need a bibliography or reference page with citations for your speech, the textbook, and any other applicable sources. You must cite the speech!!! I will need to be able to locate the speech!!
Rubric: 100 points
30- format (is your paper typed and formatted appropriately from start to finish)
10- speech choice (does it meet the criteria)
50- content (is your analysis accurate- 10 points for each concept)
10- synthesis ( do I feel that you made the necessary connections in a cohesive manner)

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