Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Informative speech info!!

Informative Speech:
For the informative speech, you will choose a topic and give a 4-6 minute speech. This speech must follow the original outline format :
Intro: attention getter, preview
Three main ideas with proper citations from three reliable sources (one is from the library)
Conclusion: summary, lasting thought
You must have a powerpoint with 3-5 slides
The outline and powerpoint should include citations and be in a KEYWORD format. You may have 3 cue cards with keyword notes only!!
All topics must be approved. If they are questionable, I may request an outline before approving topic. YOU WILL NOT GIVE SPEECH WITHOUT TOPIC APPROVAL!!!!!

Rubric: 100 points for speech, 50 points for reflection activity
20- outline/ organization
10- introduction
30- Body (three main ideas+citations)
10- conclusion
30- delivery
20- peer review
20- self reflection
10- synthesis

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