Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Tuesday classes 12:30 and 4:00

Hey guys, I have sent emails and posted announcements in Blackboard letting you all know that I am unable to be in class on Tuesday for either section. I have been called to court. I have left instructions in the email and announcements.

Please respond to me via email and let me know that you have received this information. This ONLY concerns the Tuesday classes. We will resume as usual on Thursday.

Brandy Reincke

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Persuasive speech questions

Please consider the following questions when choosing your topic and developing your speech:

1. What is your stake? audience?

2. 3 main ideas: support?

3. Sources???

4. Consider the "other side"

Due in 2 weeks (11/29)

Please bring a TYPED rough outline to class.

The outline should follow the original template:

Intro: attention getter, preview (ALSO ESTABLISH CREDIBILITY)

Body: three main points with supporting material (Label the proofs as they apply in parenthesis after the point)

For instance: ex: A. Cost effectiveness of not eating meat (logos)

Conclusion: restate the specific purpose (point and three main areas)

Also, cite your sources at the bottom of your outline and how they would apply


Reminder/ Rule of thumb: If you use internet sources, check to make sure the sites you get your information from ends in edu, org, or gov.


Finally, make sure that your powerpoints are 3-5 slides with sources cited. (LESS IS MORE when it comes to Powerpoints)

4-7 minute speeches

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Final exam

For the final exam, you be writing an essay. This essay will respond to the following three questions. You MUST use evidence from the text, your speeches, and the class in general to answer these questions.

1. What is included in the proper outline format? Why is each area important and necessary?

2. What were three areas that you struggled with delivering your speeches? How did you resolve or at least attempt to resolve them?

3. List five possible times in your life that you may be asked to speak publicly. What will you take from this course that will aid you in being successful in these situations?

Friday, November 4, 2011

Persuasive Speech

Persuasive Speech
Persuasive speeches are used to influence the audience to alter a behavior, attitude or belief.
Persuasive speeches aim to influence an audience by causing change in the ways they think, feel, act or believe. This influence can also reinforce existing positions.

2.The three pillars of proof:

A. ethos: credibility (trustworthy, committed, and knowledgeable)
a. initial credibility: expertise realized by presence before speech
("You're reputation proceeds you")
b. derived credibility: credibilty gained in addition to initial credibility during speech
( culmination of speech attributes: points, organization, tone, support)
c. terminal credibility: credibility at result of the speech
( combination of initial and derived credibililty- overall opinion of speaker's credibility)

B. pathos: emotional appeal (emotional stories or reasoning for beliefs, attitudes, and/ or actions)(senses- language)

C. logos: logical appeal (rational proof or arument with factual reasoning)
a. inductive reasoning: specific to broad ( make point than give reasoning)
b. deductive reasoning: broad to specific ( lead up to point with reasoning)

Ideal Organization

A. intro: capture attention, thesis statement, establish credibility, and preview speech
B. body: internal summaries of main points, smooth transitions
C. conclusion: summarize main points, strong closing statement, clincher
Here are a couple of things to keep in mind when formatting your persuasive speech.
1. Make sure that your outline and therefore your speech is either inductive or deductive. (Yes, you have to turn in your outline prior to giving the speech. Highlight your main persuasive idea.)2. I will be looking for examples of ethos (credibility), pathos (emotional appeal), and logos (logical reasoning) in your speech and outline. You will demonstrate these proofs in your content, posture/ appearance, and speaking.
3. Remember that persuading does not necessarily mean changing minds. Persuading can mean enhancing present ideas or perhaps introducing a new way to look at something. Remember: "Breakfast Club as a cultural film".
4. Practice your speech. Try to avoid the "ums" and "likes". Make sure that you capture your audience. Stay within the time limits of 4- 7 min. I will cut you off.
5. Make sure that you have an introduction and a conclusion. Everyone must have a powerpoint. (KEEP IT CLEAN)

You must create a powerpoint and conduct research. You must have three academic or reliable sources for this speech and at least one must be from the Ivy Tech library.
Persuasive Speech Rubric
Outline (20) ____________ (complete, turned in on time, followed, time)
Topic (5) _______________ (limited, appeals to audience)
Intro (15)_______________ (attention getter, establish credibility)
Body (30)_______________ (proofs, transitions, 3main points, organization I/D, effective, responsible)
Presence (35)____________ (nervous energy, confidence, vocal and physical qualities, reading, murmur)
Conclusion (15)____________( highlights main ideas, final thought)
Sources (30) _____________(3 sources, required- not, credible, powerpoint, v/a)
One example would be taking two comparative commercials with like products and discussing the more creative, influential, and overall better commercial. For instance, I could compare car insurance ads. Progressive has the woman in the “white” or virtual store while Allstate has a guy that embodies the “vehicle and the driver” that he represents. I could research the marketing and target audiences, policies, and overall success for my speech. My emotional appeal would be the helpful woman vs. the comical man and how the ads make me feel. My credibility would come from my research and my background in media studies. Finally, my logical reasoning would include financial statistics, focus group analysis, and more effective ad.
Now, this is just an example. You will need these parts, but you will need to develop your speech in accordance to you!!

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Impromptu Speech

Impromptu Speech: 50 points
This is an extemporaneous speech. You will be given a list of topics and a limited time to prepare. The speech will be based on your existing knowledge on the subject. You will construct an outline and give your speech “off the cuff” if you will.

We will use this site to prepare:

Here are some of the considerations you will use:

• That will demonstrate your expertise.
• That is related to the purpose of the meeting.
• You feel most confident about.
• You like to talk about.
• You can speak off the cuff within one to five minutes.

Here are some questions that will help you develop your speech.

• What's the purpose of the meeting?
• What exactly is going to happen?
• What do I think of it?
• What is my opinion? Do I like it or not?
• What are the latest news, trends, problems, policy issues

We will review possible scenarios in class.

Rubric: 50 points

25- delivery
25- development/ preparation

These speeches will be the week of Nov. 8-10 in class. We will discuss them in class next week (Nov. 1-3)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Informative Speech rubric

Informative speech rubric
Informative Speech with Research Evaluation Sheet

Speaker_______________________ Topic_____________________ Time_______


____/10 Organization
All parts of the outline are clear/present: yes/no/marginal

____/10 Content
Sources: both/ cited (orally)
Presentation of main ideas: logical/ adequate/ confusing
____/ 10 VA
Meet the required slides (3-5)
Content amount and presentation: logical/ appropriate/ distracting- confusing


____/10 Introduction

Thesis: clear/marginal/not clear/none
Preview: of Main Points well organized/weak/none

____/20 Body
Transitions: smooth/adequate/weak or not enough or none
Main ideas: well-supported/adequate/weak
Research Citations: spoken/none strong/adequate/weak

____/10 Conclusion
Summary: strong/adequate/weak/none
Final impression: strong/adequate/weak/none

____/30 Delivery average of two points each
Rate: normal/fast/slow Volume: normal/loud/soft
Eye Contact: consistent/sometimes/never
Enthusiasm: above average/adequate/lacking/none
Facial Expressions: appropriate/average/deadpan
Gestures: Natural/mechanical/distracting/lacking/none
Articulation: good/adequate/weak
Pronunciation: good/adequate/weak
Vocal Pauses: None/few/many
Tone/vocal variety: appropriate/marginal/monotone
Word choice: clear/specific/marginal/inappropriate
Dress/Grooming: appropriate/needs improvement/inappropriate

100 Total Score: