Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Impromptu Speech

Impromptu Speech: 50 points
This is an extemporaneous speech. You will be given a list of topics and a limited time to prepare. The speech will be based on your existing knowledge on the subject. You will construct an outline and give your speech “off the cuff” if you will.

We will use this site to prepare:

Here are some of the considerations you will use:

• That will demonstrate your expertise.
• That is related to the purpose of the meeting.
• You feel most confident about.
• You like to talk about.
• You can speak off the cuff within one to five minutes.

Here are some questions that will help you develop your speech.

• What's the purpose of the meeting?
• What exactly is going to happen?
• What do I think of it?
• What is my opinion? Do I like it or not?
• What are the latest news, trends, problems, policy issues

We will review possible scenarios in class.

Rubric: 50 points

25- delivery
25- development/ preparation

These speeches will be the week of Nov. 8-10 in class. We will discuss them in class next week (Nov. 1-3)

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Informative Speech rubric

Informative speech rubric
Informative Speech with Research Evaluation Sheet

Speaker_______________________ Topic_____________________ Time_______


____/10 Organization
All parts of the outline are clear/present: yes/no/marginal

____/10 Content
Sources: both/ cited (orally)
Presentation of main ideas: logical/ adequate/ confusing
____/ 10 VA
Meet the required slides (3-5)
Content amount and presentation: logical/ appropriate/ distracting- confusing


____/10 Introduction

Thesis: clear/marginal/not clear/none
Preview: of Main Points well organized/weak/none

____/20 Body
Transitions: smooth/adequate/weak or not enough or none
Main ideas: well-supported/adequate/weak
Research Citations: spoken/none strong/adequate/weak

____/10 Conclusion
Summary: strong/adequate/weak/none
Final impression: strong/adequate/weak/none

____/30 Delivery average of two points each
Rate: normal/fast/slow Volume: normal/loud/soft
Eye Contact: consistent/sometimes/never
Enthusiasm: above average/adequate/lacking/none
Facial Expressions: appropriate/average/deadpan
Gestures: Natural/mechanical/distracting/lacking/none
Articulation: good/adequate/weak
Pronunciation: good/adequate/weak
Vocal Pauses: None/few/many
Tone/vocal variety: appropriate/marginal/monotone
Word choice: clear/specific/marginal/inappropriate
Dress/Grooming: appropriate/needs improvement/inappropriate

100 Total Score:

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Important notice!!


Next week in class we are presenting Informative Speeches!!

1. You must have your topic approved prior to day of class at 11:59 pm est.!!!
2. You must be prepared with powerpoint and outline!!
3. You must be in class as we are working in pairs.

You will NOT be permitted to give your speech unless these items are completed!!!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011


Please consider the following when developing your speech.

1. audience appeal
2. pattern- organizational patters
3. appropriate visual aids
4. effective sources
5. Purposes: general- specific

I should be able to identify these areas in your outline!!!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Here's an idea!!

I just wanted to give you an idea for informative speeches!! If you would like, you can adapt your midterm papers into informative speeches and discuss them in class. You will have to do some tweaking, but I think that this may actually save time!! I will make some suggestions in class next week!!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Informative speech info!!

Informative Speech:
For the informative speech, you will choose a topic and give a 4-6 minute speech. This speech must follow the original outline format :
Intro: attention getter, preview
Three main ideas with proper citations from three reliable sources (one is from the library)
Conclusion: summary, lasting thought
You must have a powerpoint with 3-5 slides
The outline and powerpoint should include citations and be in a KEYWORD format. You may have 3 cue cards with keyword notes only!!
All topics must be approved. If they are questionable, I may request an outline before approving topic. YOU WILL NOT GIVE SPEECH WITHOUT TOPIC APPROVAL!!!!!

Rubric: 100 points for speech, 50 points for reflection activity
20- outline/ organization
10- introduction
30- Body (three main ideas+citations)
10- conclusion
30- delivery
20- peer review
20- self reflection
10- synthesis

Chapter 15 and 16 study guide

Chapter 15
Delivery: Aristotle claimed that “the battle should be fought out on the facts of the case alone; and therefore everything outside the direct proof is really superfluous.”

Content and delivery
Nonverbal communication factors: eye contact, posture, vocal quality, facial expression
Nonverbal- expectancy theory: states that if a listener expects you to have effective delivery, if your delivery is poor, you will lose credibility.
Good speech= effective speech= good delivery
Formal vs. informal tone and audience consideration
Methods of delivery: manuscript (reading), memorized, impromptu (informal), extemporaneous (outline)

Characteristics of delivery:
eye contact (credibility, priority, inclusion)
gestures (cultural expectations, inappropriate, functions, effectiveness)
movement (purposeful, physical barriers, immediacy, transitions)
facial expressions
vocal variety (volume, articulation, dialect, rate, pause)

Audience :
Ethnocentricism, dramaticism, consult eachother, immediacy monitoring, emotional awareness, verbal/nonverbal codes

Delivery: rest, review, and arrive early

Chapter 16
Visual aids:
Enhance understanding, enhance memory, help organize ideas for listeners, gain and maintain attention, illustrate sequences
Three dimensional (objects, models, people)
Two dimensional (drawings, photos, slides, maps, graphs, charts, chalkboards/whiteboards, overhead)
Computer: powerpoint, images, words, charts, graphs
A/V: DVDs, videotapes, audio
Development Guidelines:
Time awareness, visual awareness, simplicity, related elements, consistent themes, template care
Considerations: audience, speech objective, personal skill and experience

Delivery Guidelines:
Avoid illegal aids, rehearse, make eye contact with audience not aid, Explain aids, and do not pass around objects, use handouts effectively, use aids to control speech, use tech effectively, Murphy’s Law

Thursday, October 6, 2011

this is weird

Attention Patrick from Thursday class> I think I have your book. Meet me at 803 in Student Life on Tuesday and I will have it for you!!! Please email me when you read this to confirm.


Midterm clarification

I wanted to offer a few ideas for possible concepts you may use in your analysis.

Perhaps you can see the evolution of complexity in the speech. For instance, if it is a political speech concerning the deficit. This content may be simple to complex is style.

Second, problem- solution organization. For instance, an environmental speech may focus on the depletion of the ozone and possible actions to resolve the issue.

Third, perhaps you recognize the transitions that are mentioned in the book such as; furthermore, next, following etc. Make sure if you choose this kind of concept, you use more than one instance of transitioning.

Fourth, maybe the speaker uses an analogy, example, anecdote or story, or illustration. This would be a good area to recognize.

Finally, maybe your discuss the oral citations the speaker uses when referencing sources they use to make their points.

I hope this helps to clarify the expectations. Make sure to write a paragraph for each concept you use.

Email me with any issues.