Sunday, September 11, 2011

Demo speech rubric

Demonstration Speech Rubric: Name_____________________Time_________

_____10 Organization/ Preparation
All parts of the outline are clear yes/no/marginal
Followed outline yes/ no/ marginal

______10 Powerpoint
Sources: cited
Presentation of main ideas: logical/ adequate/ confusing


______10 Introduction

Thesis clear/marginal/not clear/none
Preview of Main Points well organized/weak/none

Transitions smooth/adequate/weak or not enough or none
Main ideas well-supported/adequate/weak

______10 Conclusion
Summary (restating thesis) strong/adequate/weak/none
Final impression strong/adequate/weak/none

______50 Delivery
Rate normal/fast/slowVolume normal/loud/soft
Eye Contact consistent/sometimes/never
Enthusiasm above average/adequate/lacking/none
Facial Expressions appropriate/average/deadpan
Gestures Natural/mechanical/distracting/lacking/none
Articulation good/adequate/weak
Vocal Pauses None/few/many
Tone/vocal variety appropriate/marginal/monotone
Word choice clear/specific/marginal/inappropriate
Dress/Grooming appropriate/needs improvement/inappropriate

100 total points.

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