Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Here is the outline format!!

This is the format for the outline I would like you to use for your speech. I have included some examples in parenthesis that I might use if I were giving the speech. You only need to follow the bold faced structure.

I. IntroductionA. Attention getter (How many of you like watching TV? I have made a career of it...)
B. Central idea: thesis ( I will be discussing the three main parts of my life to give you a better idea about me, so that we can all get to know one another better...)
C. Preview ( I will be discussing A, B, C)
(transition: next, moving on, etc.)

II. Main idea ONE
A. Family: married, three kids, seven pets
(transition: we are busy, but we have fun...)

III. Main idea TWO
A. Hobbies: games, travel,lake
(transition: none of this would be possible without work...)

IV. Main idea THREE
A. Jobs: teaching, management, subbing
(transition: to conclude, in short, etc.)

A. Recap:(Today, I have discussed my family, hobbies, and work...)
B. Lasting Thought: ( Thank you for allowing me to share, I hope....)

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