Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Chapter 1-4 Study Guide

This is a look at the concepts that I want you to focus on while you are reading chapters 1-4!!!!

Chapter One
- Empowerment: competence/confidence
- Employment: 1. Speaking skills 2. Written skills 3. Listening 4. Enthusiasm 5. Technical ability
- Public Speaking: “Formal Planned Conversation only less fluid and interactive”
- Roles: Speaker and Audience
- Process: plan, focus/ vocalize thoughts, adapt to audience, standard English, formal nonverbal
- Comm process: source ( encoder)
- message: code( verbal and nonverbal symbols that the audience recognize) (decode)
- channels (visual/ auditory),receiver, noise(external/ internal)
- Interaction (feedback/ context)…
- Transaction (simultaneous exchange

Chapter Two
- Confidence. Nervousness.
- Heartrates (avg. = pos., insensitive =relaxed, inflexible ( high)= motivational, confrontational (high)= emotional
- Style: Know your behavior, then develop appropriate strategies
- Build your confidence strategies:
- Don’t procrastinate(preparation is key to comfort and confidence)
- Know your audience ( do not wait until you are in front of them, find your comfort level and you will gain confidence)
- Select an appropriate topic (make a connection and find familiarity to be comfortable and confident)
- Prepare ( it will help you to gain confidence and conviction)
- Organization ( work on a cohesive plan from start, middle, to end)
- Know your intro and conclusion well (these are the parts that will last with the audience and this is where you are likely most nervous)
- Recreate the environment and practice ( visualize the process and place)
- Use breathing techniques ( use up the nervous energy prior to speech)
- Channel the energy ( envision calm)
- Visualize your success ( positive thoughts)
- Mental pep talk ( positive motivation)
- Focus on your purpose (don’t worry about the physical, focus on the message)
- Look for support in the audience and speak to them
- Focus on your accomplishment ( focus on finishing, not the anxiety)
- Look for opportunities to speak (control your speaking opps as well as your presence)

Chapter Three

Audience Centered Speaking.

The model: consider the audience (delivery, topic, purpose, central ideas, generating main ideas, supporting materials, organization, rehearsal)

Gather info about audience: demographics, diversity, values, belief, and knowledge base

Select and Narrow topic: Consider who the audience is, what are my strengths, occasion?

Purpose: General to Specific (inform? Persuade? To gaining support or confirming beliefs.)

Central Idea: What is the point?

Main Ideas: Reasons? Common Interpretations? Steps?

Support: Criteria (senses, statistics, substantial) Research (peer reviewed, scholarly)

Organization: outline form
Consider visual aids.

I. Introduction
A. Attention Getter
B. Central Idea: Thesis
C. Preview
II. Main Idea One
A. Support
III. Main Idea Two
A. Support
IV. Main Idea Three
A. Support
V. Conclusion
A. Recap Speech
B. Lasting Thought

Rehearse your speech: (out loud, allows for critical review)

Make eye contact: (scan audience)

Chapter Four

Free and Ethical.

Ethics: beliefs, values, moral principles help by the majority used in decision making.

Free Speech: the balance of speaking freely yet within the condition of ethics. (First Amendment: Freedom of Speech)

Patriot Act: Govt power against free speech

Ethical Speech: More free speech- more importance on ethics

Ethically speaking: Responsible goals, sound evidence and reasoning, tolerant of difference, honesty, avoid plagiarism

Ethically listening: Communicate expectations and feedback nonverbally and verbally, be tolerant to difference, listen critically

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